Data protection for your business

Data protection laws (such as GDPR) probably apply to you as a business owner, because it is very likely that you are storing and using people’s personal information as part of doing business. You may have to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and pay a fee.

Not every business registered with the ICO needs a Data Protection Officer (known as a DPO), but our data security experts can help you find out whether you need one or not.

Even if you don’t need a nominated DPO, you’ll still have to comply with the data protection laws—and there can be substantial fines if you don’t.

However, if you don’t have time to take on the data protection tasks, or the right person on staff to do them, why not subscribe to our data protection service, and let us do the work for you?

How does Data Protection as a Service work?

Sign up to our data protection subscription service, and we can take the work of a DPO off your hands.

Our experienced data security experts will be able to identify your responsibilities as a business owner. They will work with you to identify and implement pragmatic solutions, and can help with:

  • Registering with the ICO
  • Training the people working in your business on how to handle information
  • Dealing with requests from those people whose data you are holding (known as subject access requests, or SARs):
    • they can ask you for a copy of the data about them that you hold
    • they can object to the way you are processing it
    • they can ask you to correct or delete the information
    • and they can ask to transfer it to someone else
  • Investigating a data breach
  • Any required data breach notification—you may have to report a data breach to the ICO within 72 hours
  • Producing data privacy impact assessments, which help you identify and minimize data protection risks—this is required before you begin any data processing that might be considered high risk
  • Advising on data storage, whether you are keeping data in the cloud, on your own systems, or whether a third party is storing data for you.
  • Advising on data exchange agreements and on offshore data storage
  • Auditing your business to assess whether you are following good data management practices.

How does the subscription service work?

Our subscription fee is £200/month, and you can call us any time you need support. The first 3 hours every month is included in that fee; if you need extra time, we will charge £75/hour – and we will always agree that with you first. We don’t like surprises either!

Contact us today to find out how we can help you manage your data protection responsibilities.