Five more cyber podcasts for your list

What do you like to do while listening to podcasts? Some people run; others do chores or listen while they travel to work. While many people listen to music, podcasts are also a way of learning more about a topic without having to read (or watch) anything.

We suggested some cyber security podcasts a couple of years ago, and here is another series of cyber podcasts to add to your list (yes, they’re available on Spotify and Apple Music).

The NCSC have put out a series of five cyber podcasts covering:

  • Ransomware
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cyber threats
  • Life beyond passwords
  • Incidents and information sharing

Find them all here or search for NCSC on Spotify.

You may be wondering why these are relevant to you and your small business—and why you should listen to these when you could be listening to your carefully curated playlist. We do think these topics matter. For example, ransomware is among the biggest cyber threats to your business right now—especially, perhaps, if you are a small business. As the episode explains, the current business model for ransomware attackers is focused on small businesses rather than large ones.

Give it a try: the NCSC provide advice to small businesses like yours, and you can always go back to Massive Dance Trax later.

And if, once you’ve listened, you’d like Click and Protect to help improve cyber security in your business, give us a call on 0113 733 6230.