Security Awareness Training

two women doing online training

The world of IT is a fast-paced environment with continually emerging and more developed technologies arriving in the workplace and at home. It is difficult at the best of times for businesses, to keep on top of this forever changing landscape.

With these pressures, it is understandable that things get overlooked or put on hold, and quite often staff training on cyber security is one of those things.

At Click and Protect we have recognised this pattern and have worked hard with our team to mitigate this issue and help to ease that burden on your business’ checklist. We have achieved this by developing a system whereas we tailor your security awareness training to suit you and deliver it to your staff at your own premises or via electronic methods.

Staff errors or a lack of understanding, is a major cause of most company breaches, and can result in catastrophic consequences for that business by being vulnerable to cyber-criminal attacks for example.

And, as industry experts, we have developed our approach to user awareness in a different way for our clients’ benefit:

  1.  Through education and awareness, we help turn users into a powerful monitoring and incident reporting tool
  2.  C&P delivers focused security awareness training courses within your organisation with content tailored to your operations
  3.  Our programmes will be developed and delivered factoring in experience and audience

To find out more about how Click and Protect can help you with your employee cyber security awareness training, click here.