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professional service firm

Why Cyber Essentials matters especially for professional services firms

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed initiative that, once you’ve achieved certification, demonstrates that your business has good cyber security practices in place and you take cyber security seriously.  And this matters for professional service firms, such as solicitors, accountants, consultants and architects. This is because they are knowledgeable businesses, almost entirely based around data, including both client information and company ...
piggybank demonstrating cyber-attack costs

What would a cyber-attack really cost you?

Would a cyber-attack on your business really be such a big deal? According to the annual government’s cyber security breaches survey 2021:
  • 39% of businesses reported a cyber security attack or breach in 2020 (and 26% of charities).
  • Nearly half of those businesses reported an attack occurring at least once a month.
Most of those attacks don’t have a ...

Cyber security, importance and urgency

Are you familiar with the important—urgent matrix? Known as the Eisenhower matrix, it is a way of prioritising your tasks so that the important things don’t get pushed out by urgent (but less important) tasks. Eisenhower matrix Inevitably, tasks can move between the four segments as priorities change and unexpected events happen, but as an overview:

What are the benefits of cyber security?

Cyber-attacks are becoming ever more common, whether you are at home or at work, and whether you work at a business or a charity, a school or a club. There’s a lot you can do to protect yourself and your organisation for free. Yes, there really is! You could start by working your way through the six actions in your ...
secure foundations

Building secure cyber security foundations for startups 

Even if you are a solo entrepreneur, working at your kitchen table or in the front seat of your van, you should think about cyber security for your business from the beginning. Cyber criminals don’t care how big or small your organisation is, or what sector you work in—and every organisation has information that might be valuable to an attacker ...

Cyber security for charities

Like any other organisation, charities have information assets to protect. Often, they have less money to spend on protection and are staffed largely, if not entirely, by volunteers. If you work for a charity, this means you have some additional challenges to overcome too, but improving the cyber security defences protecting a charity, isn’t an impossible task. Bring Your Own ...