Our stories

Is that email from the person you think it is?

Often criminals pretend to be someone from within your company in order to trick you into transferring money or share information that they can later use in an attack. Here’s a very simple one that arrived yesterday, apparently from the CEO’s email account: Hi How much are we paying in fees for our business account? [CEO’s first name] That's it ...

What risks does your business face?

As part of your marketing strategy, you may already have set up Google alerts on your business name (or your own) to find out what is being said about your business. But have you thought about trying this as part of your risk awareness process? Not using Google Alerts yet? It’s easy to set up. Visit Google Alerts, and tell ...

Five more cyber podcasts for your list

What do you like to do while listening to podcasts? Some people run; others do chores or listen while they travel to work. While many people listen to music, podcasts are also a way of learning more about a topic without having to read (or watch) anything. We suggested some cyber security podcasts a couple of years ago, and here ...

Continual improvement – can you do better?

Last month DSIT published their annual report on cyber security breaches affecting businesses and charities in the UK. It’s good to see that most businesses and charities have cyber hygiene measures in place, and that this number has gone up since last year. However:
  • awareness of the information and guidance available from the NCSC, and other initiatives such as ...

How many email addresses do you have?

Most businesses—even the smallest—have more than one email address. Even if you are a one-man band… and if you don’t, perhaps you should think about it. Types of address include:
  • your.name@ - every person in your organisation probably has one of these, for that personal touch. This type of email address is assigned to one individual.
  • sales@, info@, jobs@, ...

Making changes securely

If you are making changes—for example, to your website or to the scope of a project—it is important to implement a change control process. This matters. It might be both quick and easy to—for example—decide to replace one plugin with another in your WordPress implementation. However, the plugin may not work in your specific implementation, taking down your website. Then ...